Hello everyone, here’s the official version 1.4 Update for SlaveBar: Episode 1
/ New Features
- Customize cabin: UI Controls, Presets
- Quick slots’s current milk mix
- Events Selection Poster
- Fairy Servant (functionality, anims)
- Xmax Event remake (shortcut auto unlocks on start if most of the photos are collected)
- Photo album (only in M version)
- Weekly Photos and Quests (only in M version)
- New item “Bunbun” including: uses, hcard, help and special shop (opens on day 10)
- MilkCup drink boost Hud icon with timer
- New Xmas dress for Blondie and Fatso
- More spider x fairy webs thru the map areas + highlight effect and sfx on their hact start
- Minor game performance optimizations
- Title screen new option ‘Discord’ (link to developer’s discord server) (only in M version)
/ Changes
- Body cover liquids : can now be cleaned if Nishy’s dirty stat reaches 0 via available methods (yuri, masturbate, fairy cleaning)
- Dirty stat is now rised also by h exp : “AssJob,Facial,HandJob,MaleGang,ThighsJob,TitJob,TitRape,Molest,BrainRape” + previous “Vaginal,Anal”
- [freeM] Fapet icons in recipe section at Black’s shop
- [freeM] Special events trigger every 17 days, they last 7 days
- [freeM] Summer special event will still check and unlock new dresses per day pass (if barmen is approached), even if the barmen’s quest is finished (except base black bikini)
- Piss gauge filling slower
- Piss gauge will fill extra (5%) if : BlowJobs, PissDrink or Choke (aproximated if player not in futa mode and not with a male, might not always guess who’s giving or taking the h).
- Drinking milk cup will fill piss gauge (by 6.5%) (not sure why thy didn’t occur to me earlier -.-)
- Important game notes shown once per Device/OS system at title screen
- [story] F2 popup tip on 2’nd and 3’rd goblin h while in story’s goblins cave
- [story Black’s barn] On bunny tame training carrots will auto restack if less then 3
- [story] TC will sell all dress parts from the start (Top,Low,Access and panties), in case of cloths somehow lost in the start.
*on Trainees quest, if missing any dress parts – they will be given for free - [freeM] First Sheep quest replaced with a treasure chest and it’s recipe (since the quest repeats from story). Also changed Blacksmith’s clue about sheep’s recipe
- [freeM] Lowered the requirements to complete SB reputation quest and unlock respective features (including futa mode)
- Hound taming : wet panties detection range increased (now can be detected even if undressing them wet)
- Audio settings Voice volume now affects voice and sfx (both at once)
- On UnBug (if in a h act) will auto stop the hact for the partner
- UnBug [F5] : is now a softer unbug (doesn’t fully override behaviour if in a special state: dungeon, pregnant..)
- UnBug legacy [Shift + F5] : previous full override
- UnBug [F5] can restore normal speed (if bugged slow mo speed)
- Switching from shy to normal (undress before going to town then dress or return) will check for bugged slowmo speed
- Cow taming : extended time window for tako to attach (from 3.1 to 3.7 sec)
- [story Orks Dungeon] fixed endless cage anim if used UnBug [F5]
- [story Orks Cave] 1 day after destroy rescued females
- [story Orks cave] Added HUD Tip after Lily’s intro chat
- [story] Every in-game week (on monday) player will get auto cleaned (to preserve perfomance + there aren’t many ways to clean on story)
- Black’s Barn area : added a transparent escape slope near it’s gate (as an exit, in case player somehow get’s in that area)
/ Fixed bugs:
- pass thru colliders (walls,objects…), can still passthru low slopes with hacked super speed.
- duplicated cloths unlock on shaving quests
- Cross-Poses > Pose “???” bug (That one where if you pick the “??? option” on the Yuri list, the animation will be static). For females will now trigger a reverse hact
- Womb slots : rows 3-5 not working correctly
- Book not opening if Tips option is set to off
- Hact: Gobling/Hound Vag endings doesn’t fill up the pregnancy gauge
- Body Fluids: Nishy get all her body clean after a few seconds or after doing something, this affects mainly to the Harpy Taming (ex: opening a menu, changing zone, moving, another hact, etc)
- WombBag popup bug : start undressing + press wbag (b) > now you can walk in BG + tapping B will close and open another wbag
- hand interact/pickup : sometimes interacting with things further away (ex.: pick up panties – interacts with cabin..)
- kobold bug in it’s tamed animation, there’s no pregnancy change when hact is performed on the player (normal interaction). (no climax animation)
- warg normal interaction sometimes no climax (same as above with kobold)
- To specify if the offered/current milk cup is Mix on people’s offer deny
- Nishy’s eyes looking at camera (when zoomed in) sometimes looking up instead of forward
- Goblin x Harpy missing second loop
- NishyxSlime Special interaction, doesn’t have lvl 2 loop
- Stallion/Hound Taming: Nishy doesn’t take part during the taming h-act
- Q button : pose switching in hacts, not working proprely (now should work on self and targeted h acts)
- QuickTaming not working for Stallion/Hound
- Spider x Fairy (web trapped h act) : one of the animation poses is static
- Audio volumes don’t load/assign on game load
- crowd shops (slaves sell) and orange indicator above their heads
- Mofu lake area : a barrel near the house turning visible only when very close to it
- extra fix for Black’s Barn quest (check and force player inside the barn, for rare cases of poping outside)
- extra guide helpers for first parts on ‘First Steps’ quest (finding the sleep spot and the builder)
- camera focused high (after hacts : fem attack futa Ni)
- females face fix crossposes (sometimes mouth and cheeks glitched)
- male faces fix mastb/crossposes (ent, kobold)
- female crossposes “Bunny” option fix (T Pose in case of Harpy,Neko,Slime)
- female crossposes Cow/Sheep using Harpy/Slime futa pose
- Diamond indicator not always appearing over wild fapets (especially, missing on wild cows)
- Ni x Ent (tamed) : second anim
- secret party quest bug: (first sleep) drink milk cup > enter nest – triggering event progression (as if slept)
- wild Kelpie interact chat
- Penalty can break story (lock player behind story walls) : locked for some story parts (Nun part, Boring filler , goblins invasion)
- some story walls bug compensation added (if player is somehow on the other side, they’ll allow to pass thru)
- Fairy x Spider : after h (to stay in after pose)
- Fixes for liquids not always spawned or not where they should be
- Optimization for liquids to prevent overflooding (which is highly decreasing performance), liquids with linked decals will auto destroy if above 5 instance per body part (and all destroy if above 10, if by any miracle they made it that far)
- [story] polished the Auntie x Kelpie segment
- [story] polished the bunny mind switch segment (TC x Mayor, F5 unbug while bunny, on bunny mind switch camera going into stratosphere)
- [story] sometimes camera not focusing on chars player is talking to (NPCs)
- [story Village delivery, nun cleaning] Bucket is empty instead of having water
- [story] molest anim : after first loop he throws her to the ground then kicks in the second loop
- missing cum on climaxes (keplie, goblins, builder)
/ Extra
Xmas Anims:
- Nishy x Photo guy (xmas event) : blowjob [2 lvls], standing (doggy 1) [2 lvls], doggy (crouched), laying (reverse cow) [2 lvls]
- Nishy x Blond (xmas event) : nonFta [2 lvls], fta [2 lvls]
- Bunbun: dirty gauge (below, above 50%), piss gauge (above 35%)
Fairy Anims:
- xTc (Fairies Quest)
- xFapets (tamed) : dirty clean (B unny,Sheep,Cow,Neko,Slime,Harpy,Kelpie,Stallion,Hound,Kobold,Warg,Hound,Ent,Goblin)
- xNi:
*auto piss drink (Standing fta,nonF; crouching fta,nonF)
*stamina refill () + vore (if fairy has low essence)
*dirty clean (nonFta [2 lvls], ftaNi[4 lvls], ftaBoth[3 lvls]) + vore (if fairy has low essence)
*sleep morning (gang (up to 6) fairies x Ni : ftaNi, nonfta ni)
- Ni x Photo guy: normal , futa (includes some normal)
- Ni x Blondie: 4 packs (2 non and 2 futa) unlocked after hacts ni x blond
- Blondie x Photo guy: (after all other photos are unlocked) find a secret item in winter area on day 4

/ Screenshots

/ Notes
- My apologies for the long delay on making this update. I hope it will be enjoyable for everyone to immerse once again in the world of SB, with the comedic company of lewd Nishy and the Spirit, in a small extension of their adventures ^.^
- Also, sorry about the stronger limitations for B version. They are present based on Japanese product administration department’s request.
- DLSite (B version) is currently under review, and will (hopefully) be available in a few days
Hello just wondering how lvl 2 posses work and group sex.
In simple terms. The more you repeat the same animation (Accumulating Hexp), said animation will change into a more intense one.
In this case, FairyxNishy will go like this:
-Have sex with a Fairy 10 times, you unlock the Sex Animation LVL2
-Do it 20 times, you unlock the Sex Animation LVL3.
And so on.
Group sex with Fairies starts after sleeping. First you must get enough Hexp with Fairies (based in the amount of Fairies you carry) and then sleep without clothes.
More information in the (Tab)Book>Fapestiary>Females>Fairy
ok thanks 🙂
What’s going on with the B version, exactly? The update pushed, but the game itself seems to have been pulled from sale?
Hello, the Japanese product administration department has temporarily (hopefully) taken it down, because of the cens.dat hack and some other things. I have fixed those and reuploaded, they are now supposedly reevaluating the product.
Oh dear. I’ll be sorry to see the easily removable mosaic go. Feel free to shoot me an email if you need help communicating with DLSite.
Will it be possible to remove censorship in the “B” section?
Sadly, the official answer is no. I don’t know if the community will find a workaround, sorry
Everything is fine. Thanks for the reply.
Good luck with your creativity.
Will you ever start work on Chapter 2 of Slave Bar?
Hello, supposedly after i do a few more small games i planned to switch back to SB. I still need to figure out how to do this (ep1 is already at it’s performance limits, more areas or more fapets would be too heavy for the machine).
Thank you for taking interest in this game 😉
Sounds like optimization issues (or weak PC?). The models and textures are simple enough,it shouldn’t be that demanding.
You could always split areas into completely separate zones (like the starting intro area or orc caves, they aren’t open-world), so less is loaded at the same time. OR you could split existing areas into 2-3 separate zones (it means loading screens, but who cares?)
Either way, SB is a great and I’m glad I bought it, but it still feels like much is missing and it could be much better. Instead of adding new areas, you can focus on more content (more animations, animation selector, chest at the house – womb bag is a bad idea/implementation if I were to be honest) and QoL expansions. And optimization.
I’d also make the holding pen (monster next) far larger (far too cramped, even when there’s only a few fappetes) and with an open roof. Could add some grass, tree in center.
An automatic feeder upgrade (you put food in and at the end of day, monsters whos energy falls too low eat).
Just some ideas.
The sooner you get back into SB, the better.
Thank you for the provided suggestions, i will add them to the list for the Ep 2 😉
– splitting into zones : it’s already splitted, only the arround areas are visible (only big meshes), the the rest are hidden, while the bridge is loading and unloading everything from both sides (extra optimizing). The performance issue is mostly on fapets and the use of Playmaker in development (from my tests, crowds with playmaker had a cap of ~8 then there would be a noticable fps drop, now without playamker there are ~30-40 without any issues). Problem is that i would need to rewrite most of the game’s core if i’d switch away from Playamker (even if it’s just for fapets).
– ‘QoL expansions’ : sorry, not sure what where you refering to
– ‘I’d also make the holding pen (monster next)’ : you mean the nest to be bigger ?
QoL = Quality of Life. Changes to make thing easier / less tedious. Usually means improving various controls / manus or makign other changes tweaks.
Example would be a faster and more precise way to select a fapette. Or a way to automate feeding.
I avoid using Playmaker and visual scripting in general. You cannot go wrong with just C#. FYI, I’m also working on a game in Unity, so I know how tricky some things can be to implement and debug. Even moreso if you’re using 3rd party packages/code.
Oh, just so you know my “making a game” is not empty BS:
1st game attempt:
2nd attempt:
3rd attempt:
Now I’m on my 4th.
Nice progress (i recall you showed a few on forums aswell), keep up the good work 😉
‘Avoid using Playmaker’ : I agree, sadly i learned this the hard way, most of the game is already intertwined with this plugin. However, for sketching and debugging live (in play mode) it was a very pleasant experience (can debug live the current code sequence, change any variables in their current state, completely change or add more functions, add more variables and more).
regarding are splitting, the area past the town outskirts (where the windmill and bridge are and the small town) could easly be it’s own separate zone. The separation feel natural enough given how the view is blocked by the bend and hill.
you could also separate Mofu plans and the lake area into it’s own zone, the narrow forest path is cuttting it off nicely, further cutting down of the open-world are loaded at a time.
Untill you figure things out, working on Free mode stuff and things that are easy to implement sounds best. It requires no new areas or story logic, is useful for testing before adding to the story. And some things really should be easy. As someone said – Nishy Offspring – since offspring functionaility already exist, it just needs a variable check if Nishys offfspring cure is on. Also, if the father is Nishy (in which case offspring would always be female). Seems trivial really.
New animations – also trivial to add and no real performance impact.
Completely new system, areas, code overhauls – that would be things to wait with until you got the performance figured out.
Finally a new update. I’m glad to see concrete progress.
But please, when will add normal offspring ability for Nishy? At least in freemode.
Not really planned, but maybe in next episode
Thnx for your support 😉
After playing 1.4, a few suggestions:
That’s already fixed.
1) You can target and feed your fairies, just like any other fapet. Either wait until they stop asking to be feed (when Nishy says “Are you hungry/thirsty?”) or move the camera backwards quickly and press MMB.
5) Put a condom on yourself (Futanari Nishy), and then have anal/vaginal sex with any female. That will fill the condom
This doesn’t seem to work (condom on futa nishy bit) 🙁
Now it does. It’s a bit hit-or-miss??? Strange.
1 Absorb command can restore Fairies Essence (use it near a sleeping, worn out wild/non tamed fapet). Additionally, i’d recommend capturing desired fairies with h stop skill (Shift + LMB) for them to have an extra essence boost.
2 It is restorable and doesn’t consume much Essence, plus there are a lot of fairies spawned thorough the map. I’ll think about this
3 They should supposedly be with you for emergency help (Stamina Restore, Piss drink). I might add a way to hide them into a magic item worn by Nishy or turn to small orbs (since it can get visually a bit overwhelming to always have 6 fairies around).
4 Yes, i remember that, and sorry it wasn’t added. This feature is reserved for Ep 2, with more specific anims (we’ll need futa x futa like current Nishy x fairy)
5 I’ll think of the options. The specific male seed was implemented with the idea that the female type does relate in a way to that male type (fear, love ..).
Hmm…. there really should be an animation menu. Like if you hold shft+click instead of starting sex aniamtion wit h a fapette, it will open a manu to select any valid animation.
I love Nekos, but HATE anal. It bothers me.
I also notice that are female and futa fairies. Wonder how many animations there are. Is there one where Nishsi suck a futa fairy or a fairy fucks Nishy?
The christmas event is kinda a problem, because you have to complete 10 crowd quests and (at least in free mode) there’s far too few quest givers (the ones from the forest are removed) and most quests are H-training, which you cannot do with lewd locked.
On a semi-related note, more animations and futa fappetes are something that you could be working on that isn’t resource-intensive. Fappetes can share Nishy animations already since they use the same skeleton (except harpy?).
An animation selection feture – hold shift(or something else) + interact click on a fapette to bring up a list of all valid animations. Otherwise behaves like normal and plays the default animation.
I’d also add human as a milk taste (if you use Nishy to milk, it becomes hard to sell)
– ’10 crowd quests’ : well actually it’s just 2 (Nishy wants to do a lot yet she easily gets tired and bored). Also you can just sleep and skip those (they are not mandatory).
– ‘futa fapets and anims’ : yes, yet they will most likely be in ep2, when the story will introduce futas correctly, now it’s just speculative assumptions of what Nishy and spirit know from pre time skip.
– ‘An animation selection feature’ : you mean the cross poses list ? Target the character via MMB > Quick commands [RMB] > Attack > select target > select a pose from the popup list. This feature is unlocked after taming more then 5 fapets of the same species
Does that unlock for all fappetes or only that specific species?
Again, the grind (constant repetition to unlock thing) is what the problem is. I know asians in general seem to have no problems with that, but westernersare more averse to it.
It unlocks for each specific specie.
The issue with grinding currently can be solved by using completed saves (i think those can be found on forums) or using cheat engine (again, must ask on forums how to work with this system).
Ironically, the purchases and review suggest the opposite, as dlsite seems more keen to Orks Ryona BBC (which barelly has any grinding, straight h from the start), while SB get’s more popularity on Itch. Then again, that is only based on my experience.
Different types of games and even target platforms.
People can suffer trough the grind becasue SB has a lot of content and things to find, so it’s worth it. That doesn’t mean poeple like the grind.
Just FYI, here’s a mockup for the improved nest idea:
More room inside, a total or 6 milking/interaction spots, opening in the roof for light, a place with grass and tree in the center (upgrade? Can feed there?). Can finish it and send you the blender file if you want, but it’s simple enough in shape that you can make it in 5 minutes.
Nice design, thank you for your efforts 😉
I got the idea, and i’ll probably design something similar, altough i would want to have something lewd at center, like a fetish type on display (bondage machine or something completly different).
That was just a general idea. It looks too much like a dungon, and not like a place where the fapettes live. A bit of green/grass, a small fountain for water, hay bales for sleeping, etc..
Imagine something similar to this (wihout the lake), but with milking room dug into the walls:
GOPR2667_HDR.jpg (3372×2529) (wp.com)
After playing some more a few more observations:
1.Luring into a hidden area was an idea (i didn’t get to implement) aswell as doing some hidden h act (ex: under females’s robe ..)
3.Beg skill is unlocked as you progress, it was part of the rewards on first quests (free mode), same as futa mode h stop ability and all the others.
4.Yeap, eventually there will be more (with each fapet i need to do a variety of new posses, those should get to cover the above at one point).
5.I’m assuming you mean penalty part. I will consider that, maybe for new villages/city, each to have it’s own penalty form.
That’s odd. I unlocked tons of stuff (Free Mode), futa, multi-call, crowd molest, etc.. But still no beg or skills. Are they unlocked only trough Story Mode (like change dresser?)
Also, I forgot to add, having to give a drink to molest is fine on lower levles, but higher-level or/and broken fappetes should be able to attack anyone IMHO (crowds and other fappets).
Female fappetes (when certain conditions are met) might also attack other female fappetes if aroused?
Yes, penalties/punishments. Could add a pillory in the town (plenty of space). And of course, more animations. It is ALWAYS good. One part of development you can never go wrong with.
One small suggestion – fairies lore. It makes little sense for them to be just unliving clumps of mana, given their behavior. Something like them being not from this world and only materialize their bodies in this world thanks to mana, and they dissapear if it runs out, but they do not die (they can come back).
Glad to see you still plan to make an episode 2 for the game and looking forward to it
Are you still alive and well Nymphokun? How are things progressing?
Hello, thank you, i’m good 🙂
Games development is progressing a bit slowly lately (busy with side jobs). I’ll post updates on website and itch when there will be something interesting to show 😉